분석외환Britain and the Pacific Treaty: The Decade of Historic Partnership and the...

영국과 태평양 조약: 역사적인 파트너십의 10년과 세계 무역의 미래

On Sunday, July 16, Britain formally signed a treaty to join a major trans-Pacific trade agreement, making it the first new country to join the agreement since its inception in 2018. This accession to the agreement opens the way for existing members to consider other requests from countries wishing to join. Join it, including China and Taiwan.

This step by Britain is an important step to strengthen its economic and trade relations with the member states of the Pacific Ocean. Joining this agreement will contribute to strengthening cooperation in the field of trade and investment and will give British companies greater opportunities to participate in commercial activities in the region.

The Pacific Agreement is one of the most important trade agreements in the world, as it includes 11 countries in the Pacific Ocean, including Japan, South Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Latin America.

Britain’s economy is expected to benefit greatly from this accession, as it will open doors for British companies to access new markets and expand trade horizons. In addition, the agreement will contribute to enhancing the level of joint cooperation in areas such as innovation, technology and sustainability.

Looking to the future, accession to this agreement is an important strategic step for Britain and an opportunity to enhance its role as a global trading power. This accession may also lead to increased interest in the Pacific Ocean Agreement by other countries, including China and Taiwan, which are showing great interest in joining the agreement.

In the end, accession to the Pacific Ocean Agreement is expected to be an important opportunity for Britain to strengthen international trade relations and enhance cooperation in the economic, investment and technological fields.

مرحبا هذه انا هند نجاح الميالي مدربة ومتداولة في اسواق المال خبرة في التحليل الاساسي والفني خمس سنوات اقوم بنشر مقالاتي التي تخص الاخ بار العامة والعاجلة واهم الاحداث الاقتصادية والتحليلات اليومية الفنية في اسواق المال قناة التلكرام العامة:https://t.me/+FJ12EoUOuG4yZjAy
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