분석상품The US Secretary of Commerce is heading to Beijing to face challenges...

미 상무장관은 중국 이메일 해커의 침투에도 불구하고 도전에 직면하고 중요한 합의에 도달하기 위해 베이징으로 향하고 있습니다. 이 흥미진진한 만남은 무엇을 드러낼까요?!

US Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo plans to visit China “later this summer” despite reports that her email account was hacked by China-based hackers.

In related incidents, Microsoft reported that hackers seeking intelligence information had broken into the email accounts of some US government agencies, including those of Gina Raimondo and the State Department.

Despite this, the Minister of Commerce confirmed that she plans to travel to China soon, and is working on setting the date and plans for the visit.

Raimondo added during an event at the Wilson Center that doing business with China remains essential, and cooperation should be promoted in possible areas and the country’s interests protected when necessary.

Notably, Raimondo was cut off when climate protesters interrupted demanding “clean air and not another billionaire”, but later returned after the protesters had left.

مرحبا هذه انا هند نجاح الميالي مدربة ومتداولة في اسواق المال خبرة في التحليل الاساسي والفني خمس سنوات اقوم بنشر مقالاتي التي تخص الاخ بار العامة والعاجلة واهم الاحداث الاقتصادية والتحليلات اليومية الفنية في اسواق المال قناة التلكرام العامة:https://t.me/+FJ12EoUOuG4yZjAy
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