AnalisisKomoditasBest Junior Miners to Own in Gold Bull Market

Best Junior Miners to Own in Gold Bull Market

Emas is inches away from its biggest breakout in 50 years and the start of a new secular bull market. It may have already happened by the time you read this.

Gold is also beginning a new cyclical bull market with strong potential to soar to $4000-$5000 over the next several years.

Any average Gold or Perak is poised to perform well but our goal is to uncover the companies with potential for some of the biggest gains.

This does not entail buying low-quality companies that are highly leveraged to the bull market. Moreover, it entails buying quality companies with strong potential to add value that will be magnified by the bull market.

There are certain types of companies we should look for, as well as certain types to avoid.

I will begin with the types of companies to avoid.

This revolves around a particular stage of a junior miner’s life cycle.

Brent Cook’s image shows a typical life cycle for a junior company that decides to build the mine. Otherwise, the company could be acquired or never make it to the development stage.

The best stage to buy is at the beginning of discovery or the months before initial production.

We want to generally avoid development companies that are too far from production or stuck in the development stage because their projects are of low quality.


With that out of the way, let’s focus on these two types of companies.
First, I favor small companies with production growth potential. These companies have the asset or assets from which they can grow production. The market always loves growth and pays a premium.
Within this group, we want to find companies that can grow without destroying their capital structure and diluting their shareholders. Look for companies doing a phased approach or those able to fund growth with limited dilution. 
The second type of company is exploration companies that are early in the discovery stage. I try to find explorers that have a discovery or something with defined value (a backstop) that has the potential to grow much larger and more valuable.
This is a more difficult task than finding growth-oriented producers because there are far more of these companies, and exploration outcomes are much less predictable. 
The key here is finding the projects that have significant upside potential. Too many projects have minimal upside potential. 
What I deem as “The Holy Grail” is when a junior producer encounters significant exploration success. Some of the biggest winners in recent years (i.e. Kirkland Lake) were producers who made a significant discovery.
Producers have the cash flow to fund exploration, and they already have the infrastructure which can facilitate immediate production growth after a discovery. 
In short, look for the junior producers who are trying to make a significant discovery. 
Companies with production growth potential and material exploration and discovery potential are poised to be the leaders over the coming years. 

Saya Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT, MFTA editor dan penerbit dan TheDailyGold Premium, publikasi premium kami yang menekankan waktu pasar dan pemilihan saham untuk investor logam mulia. Saya seorang Teknisi Pasar Chartered dan Magister Analisis Teknis Keuangan. Tesis Magister saya, yang memberi saya penunjukan MFTA diterbitkan di International Federation of Technical Analysis Journal. Saya memperoleh gelar Studi Umum dari University of Washington dengan konsentrasi Pembangunan Ekonomi Internasional. Di waktu luang saya menikmati angkat besi, mengikuti olahraga, Taman Nasional, film massa klasik dan bepergian dengan istri penggila alam luar saya. TheDailyGold Saya memulai pada tahun 2009 meskipun awalnya pada tahun 2005 ketika saya memulai buletin gratis yang mencakup komoditas dengan penekanan pada Emas & Perak. Kami menawarkan cukup banyak konten gratis di sini dan dapat membantu Anda apakah Anda seorang investor berpengalaman atau ini adalah pertama kalinya Anda menemukan Emas dan dunia pertambangan junior. Pertama, buka di sini untuk mendapatkan salinan Buku 2019 kami Pasar Banteng Baru yang Akan Datang di Emas: Mengapa Investasi Logam Mulia Akan Berkembang di tahun 2020-an dan 2030-an. Dari sana, kami juga akan mengirimkan buletin mingguan kami, yang mencakup konten dan pemikiran terbaru kami tentang Emas dan saham emas. Buku ini berisi semua penelitian terbaik kami tentang Emas dan menjabarkan apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari ekonomi, pasar modal, dan logam mulia selama 10 hingga 15 tahun ke depan. Sangat penting bagi saya untuk mendidik orang dan membantu mereka mendapatkan keuntungan besar dan menghindari kehilangan kekayaan nyata, yang akan memburuk jika Anda memegang aset yang berbasis di AS selama 10 hingga 15 tahun ke depan. Selanjutnya, pastikan untuk berlangganan Saluran YouTube kami serta podcast kami: Podcast TheDailyGold dan Podcast 10-Bagger yang baru. Kontak saya dapat dihubungi di Jordan @ The Daily Gold . com (spasi dihilangkan untuk mencegah spam). Saya mencoba menjawab setiap email tetapi email dari pelanggan adalah yang terpenting. Saat ini kami tidak tertarik dengan iklan apa pun dan kami tidak menerima kiriman tamu atau kiriman bersponsor.

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