AnalisisKomoditas3 Criteria to Pick Gold and Silver Stocks

3 Criteria to Pick Gold and Silver Stocks

With Gold approaching the door of a major breakout, I want to focus on the gold and silver stocks and stock selection (VanEck Gold Miners ETF (NYSE:GDX)).

The miners and juniors have disappointed investors because Gold has performed well in recent years but has not increased enough relative to costs. Outside of Gold, the precious metals sector remains in a secular bear market.

However, the opportunity is that if and when Gold surpasses resistance and begins a real bull market, it will enjoy rapid and dramatic gains that will far outpace cost pressures. Margins will expand, and miners and juniors will benefit tremendously, as they always do after breakouts in the Gold price.

With that in mind, I wanted to provide some help and wisdom from various public conversations with Rick Rule (mine and others), arguably one of the most successful investors in the history of junior mining.

The first criterion point is people. We have all heard it and from many voices.

To dumb it down, if you are looking at junior producers, look for management teams with a track record of building or operating mines. If you are looking at exploration companies, look for management teams that have discovered or grown or advanced projects to an acquisition.

The second criterion point is size.

Rick often mentions looking for gold projects with $10 Billion in in-situ value and a minimum of $2 Billion in situ value for silver projects. That amounts to 5M oz Au and 80M oz Ag. The lower production cost, the more valuable the project.

When looking at pre and post-discovery opportunities, keep these thresholds in mind.

Finally, be a contrarian. Rick always says, “You are either a contrarian or a victim.”

Avoid the high fliers and look for companies trading at a major discount. This industry is very cyclical, and corrections of 40% to 50% are normal in even raging bull markets.

Here is the cliff notes version of the top 3 criteria. Look for companies with a large deposit or a deposit with the potential to be large, a stock trading closer to its low than high, and management with a track record.

Also, patience and courage are key components to success. Rick has said most of his 10-baggers required around five years and endured a 50% decline along the way.

I am using these criteria to refine my investments.

Saya Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT, MFTA editor dan penerbit dan TheDailyGold Premium, publikasi premium kami yang menekankan waktu pasar dan pemilihan saham untuk investor logam mulia. Saya seorang Teknisi Pasar Chartered dan Magister Analisis Teknis Keuangan. Tesis Magister saya, yang memberi saya penunjukan MFTA diterbitkan di International Federation of Technical Analysis Journal. Saya memperoleh gelar Studi Umum dari University of Washington dengan konsentrasi Pembangunan Ekonomi Internasional. Di waktu luang saya menikmati angkat besi, mengikuti olahraga, Taman Nasional, film massa klasik dan bepergian dengan istri penggila alam luar saya. TheDailyGold Saya memulai pada tahun 2009 meskipun awalnya pada tahun 2005 ketika saya memulai buletin gratis yang mencakup komoditas dengan penekanan pada Emas & Perak. Kami menawarkan cukup banyak konten gratis di sini dan dapat membantu Anda apakah Anda seorang investor berpengalaman atau ini adalah pertama kalinya Anda menemukan Emas dan dunia pertambangan junior. Pertama, buka di sini untuk mendapatkan salinan Buku 2019 kami Pasar Banteng Baru yang Akan Datang di Emas: Mengapa Investasi Logam Mulia Akan Berkembang di tahun 2020-an dan 2030-an. Dari sana, kami juga akan mengirimkan buletin mingguan kami, yang mencakup konten dan pemikiran terbaru kami tentang Emas dan saham emas. Buku ini berisi semua penelitian terbaik kami tentang Emas dan menjabarkan apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari ekonomi, pasar modal, dan logam mulia selama 10 hingga 15 tahun ke depan. Sangat penting bagi saya untuk mendidik orang dan membantu mereka mendapatkan keuntungan besar dan menghindari kehilangan kekayaan nyata, yang akan memburuk jika Anda memegang aset yang berbasis di AS selama 10 hingga 15 tahun ke depan. Selanjutnya, pastikan untuk berlangganan Saluran YouTube kami serta podcast kami: Podcast TheDailyGold dan Podcast 10-Bagger yang baru. Kontak saya dapat dihubungi di Jordan @ The Daily Gold . com (spasi dihilangkan untuk mencegah spam). Saya mencoba menjawab setiap email tetapi email dari pelanggan adalah yang terpenting. Saat ini kami tidak tertarik dengan iklan apa pun dan kami tidak menerima kiriman tamu atau kiriman bersponsor.

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