تحلیل و بررسیفارکسNext week’s gold forecast is a drop to the 1955 and 1935...

Next week’s gold forecast is a drop to the 1955 and 1935 regions, after which we will go back to see the 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2040 regions

ذهب توقعات الاسبوع القادم القادم من مناطق ترجع 1955 و 1935 و من ثم نرجع نشوف نشوف 1990 و 2000 و 2010 و 2040

Gold forecasts for the next coming week from areas dating back 1955 and 1935
And then we go back and see 1990, 2000, 2010 and 2040.

حمزه محمود رجها54
حمزه محمود رجها54
محلل اقتصادي و خبير في اسواق المال و ذهب Analyst and expert in financial markets
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