AnálisisÍndicesAnálisis del índice del dólar (DXY)

Análisis del índice del dólar (DXY)

The US dollar fell in early European trade on Monday amid uncertainty surrounding the US debt ceiling negotiations and following dovish comments from Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, as the dollar traded today at 103.250/103.000.

Currently, the dollar is at the aforementioned area. If it is stable below 102.800, we will see areas of 102.500/102.000. But if it is broken and stable above the 103.500 area, we will see areas of 104.200/104.000. We must not forget today’s meeting at (12:30) regarding the debt ceiling, where (Biden) will meet. With the Speaker of Parliament (Kevin McCarthy) and according to McCarthy’s statements, he said that an agreement can be reached tonight or tomorrow, and that the debt ceiling talks have reached a sensitive point, of course, which will have an impact on the markets if a solution is reached.

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