أخبارالعملات الرقميةBTC price up, fundamentals down? 5 things to know in Bitcoin this...

ارتفاع سعر البيتكوين ، وانخفاض الأساسيات؟ 5 أشياء يجب معرفتها في Bitcoin هذا الأسبوع ، ارتفاع سعر البيتكوين ، انخفاض الأساسيات؟ 5 أشياء يجب معرفتها في Bitcoin هذا الأسبوع


$30,334 starts a new week in a solid position above $30,000 after its latest rapid gains.

BTC price action continues to deliver on bulls’ expectations after weeks of sideways trading offered little relief. Can it continue?

That is the question on every trader’s mind this week. $30,000 held into the weekly close and beyond, but in a volatile crypto market, anything can and does happen.

The macroeconomic climate is somewhat “standard” for the final week of June, offering some potential risk asset price catalysts but avoiding several major data releases at once.

The weekend’s news out of Russia appears to have had little impact on market performance elsewhere, having mostly concluded before the start of the week’s trading.

Turning to Bitcoin itself, a phase of taking stock appears to be here, with fundamentals conversely primed to shift down from all-time highs.

The sentiment is volatile, too, with $30,000 in particular, a pivotal level.

Cointelegraph takes a look at these factors and more in the weekly rundown of what is moving BTC price action in the short term.

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