Min profil

1215 Day Trading

My goal for this channel is to give back to the community by sharing the lessons and experiences I have learned throughout my day trading career. It was a long and tough road to get the hang of things but I never gave up. I hope that my knowledge and experience can hold value to beginning or experienced traders so that they will find more success.

I'll be reviewing each of my trades as well as provide free educational content. I have designed my strategy to fit my own personal risk tolerance, personality, and weaknesses. The way I trade may not be best for your personal characteristics. My videos and or comments are for educational purposes only and not personal advice.

united kingdomUnited Kingdom
(Lektion 10 av 10) Att förstå handelspsykologi Publicera 14 juli 2023 385
(Lektion 8 av 10) Hur man hanterar risker Publicera 14 juli 2023 396
(Lektion 6 av 10) Beställningar Publicera 14 juli 2023 396
(Lektion 7 av 10) Hur man läser nivå 2 Publicera 14 juli 2023 416
(Lesson 9 of 10 Part 1) How To Read Price Action Publicera 14 juli 2023 379
(Lesson 5 of 10) Support and Resistance Publicera 13 Jul 2023 307
(Lesson 4 of 10) How to Read Candlestick Charts Publicera 13 Jul 2023 311
(Lesson 3 of 10) The Best Stocks To Day Trade Publicera 13 Jul 2023 305
(Lesson 2 of 10) Trading Simulator Publicera 13 Jul 2023 317
Introduction To Day Trading Stocks Publicera 13 Jul 2023 364