分析外国為替Urgent ‼️ Robert Kiyosaki advises to buy these assets before the currencies...

Urgent ‼️ Robert Kiyosaki advises to buy these assets before the currencies collapse due to inflation

Robert Kiyosaki, the best-selling economics book, warned

“Rich Dad Poor Dad”

That current US inflation is likely to get worse…

In a tweet posted on Wednesday, Kiyosaki urged investors to take action and pour money into investment products like bitcoin (BTC), gold, and luxury brands before they become too expensive in the event of “systemic inflation.”

Kiyosaki also suggested that she should wait for her message in the face of skyrocketing Internet prices. Interestingly,

That investor has sounded alarm bells in a newbie, medium price situation is likely to lead to a downturn in the stock market.

Shop to the maximum number

Big brands are also on sale, buy before systemic inflation gets under control.

Inflation is systemic, not temporary.

In another tweet posted the same day, Kiyosaki also referred to clarifying the target audience for his tweets. The writer, who has repeatedly warned of an imminent global economic collapse, said his messages are not aimed at the poor or the middle class FYI.

You can see that my tweets are not addressing the mentalities of the poor or the middle class.

It’s (just mentalities) if you think it’s better to be poor and money is evil, be poor.

If you think middle class is best for you, stay in this class. Like he said if you want to be rich, rich daddy, enrich your brain.”

The essence of the difference is knowledge, the science of rationality. The channel is responsible for explaining the news before and after its release (fundamental and economic analysis).

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